Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment (VAAFT) for Treating a Complex Posttraumatic Anal Fistula: Case Report

Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment (VAAFT) for Treating a Complex Posttraumatic Anal Fistula: Case Report

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Marco De Monti
EOC - Beata Vergine Regional Hospital, Department of Surgery, Mendrisio, Switzerland


Introduction: Anal fistula is an abnormal pathway that connects the anorectal tract to the perianal skin. The Park’s classification describes four different types of anal fistulas depending on their links with the sphincter apparatus. In this paper, we report an interesting case of post-traumatic complex trans-sphincteric fistula treated with VAAFT procedure. Case Presentation: A 60-year-old-male patient, from an accidental fall, developed a gluteal abscess with a high trans-sphincteric anal fistula and a secondary tract leading to a large second abscess located in the right ischiorectal fossa. An abscess incision was done, and a draining seton was placed in another Institution. The patient came to our Hospital and underwent surgery using Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment (VAAFT) procedure. Conclusions: VAAFT is an effective and safe procedure for complex anal fistula, even when they have a post-traumatic origin.

Article Info

Article Type
Case Report
Publication history
Received: Sat 21, Nov 2020
Accepted: Mon 07, Dec 2020
Published: Wed 30, Dec 2020
© 2023 Marco De Monti. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.AJSCR.2020.04.05