Association of Health-Related Quality of Life with Breast Cancer Survival among Hispanic Population Using 10 Years of MEPS National Sample Cohort Data

Association of Health-Related Quality of Life with Breast Cancer Survival among Hispanic Population Using 10 Years of MEPS National Sample Cohort Data

Review Data

™      Significance of the Study: This cross-sectional study which analyzes the data from 2006-2015 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is significantly among the first to investigate on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of Hispanic breast cancer survivors in the U.S. Some of the limitations of this study include possibility of a recall bias since medical conditions in MEPS are self or proxy reported and not verified by chart review, use of a generic HRQoL instrument and the fact that this study is of cross-sectional design which fails to explain causation. There is also a possibility that the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) could not detect more common comorbidities that might influence the results of this study.


™      Fit with Journal: The manuscript is highly suited for the journal Clinical Oncology and Research.


™      The survey carried out is quite convincing and the observations are appropriately examined and clarified in the Discussion. The tables adequately justify the research findings. This research may be used as a guide in the implementation of clinical interventions and plans for survivorship care in improving the HRQoL of Hispanic breast cancer survivors.


™      The manuscript is mostly well-written except a few minor errors (already corrected in the galley proof), which are listed below –


§  In Disclosure Statement, “interests each other” should be replaced with “interests with each other”.

§  In the 2nd sentence of 3rd paragraph of Introduction, “disparities on” should be replaced with “disparities in” and “continue” should be replaced with “continues” and in the 1st sentence of 4th paragraph, “has” should be replaced with “have”.

§  In the 3rd sentence of Data Source under Methods, “the most complete” should be replaced with “a complete” and in the last sentence, “public” should be replaced with “publicly”.

§  In the 6th sentence of Statistical Analysis, “PCS score” should be replaced with “PCS scores” and in the 7th sentence, “weights was” must be replaced with “weights were”.

§  In the 6th sentence of 2nd paragraph of Results, “The” should be removed.

§  In the 2nd sentence of 2nd paragraph of Discussion, “the fact that” should be introduced after “despite”.

§  Commas and articles, e.g., “the” were missing in several places throughout the text.

Author Info

Corresponding Author
Jongwha Chang
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Texas, School of Pharmacy, El Paso, Texas, USA

Article Info

Article Type
Research Article
Publication history
Received: Sat 11, Jul 2020
Accepted: Mon 27, Jul 2020
Published: Thu 20, Aug 2020
© 2023 Jongwha Chang. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.COR.2020.08.08