A Case of Brain Metastasis of Ovarian Cancer in the Elderly
A Case of Brain Metastasis of Ovarian Cancer in the Elderly
Review Data
Purpose and Significance of Study: The manuscript describes the case of a 73-year-old woman with ovarian cancer that metastasized to the brain. Such cases are rare, and so is the ensuing course of successful treatment.
Fit with Scope of Journal: The manuscript is of high interest for the journal Case Reports in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive.
o The manuscript contains a few minor errors (already corrected in the galley proof, except the highlighted ones, which require the author’s attention) listed below –
· A separate section named “Abbreviations” must be introduced.
In the Abstract –
· In the 1st sentence, “gynecologic” must be replaced with “gynecological”.
· In the 3rd sentence, “rare” must be replaced with “rarely”.
· In the 4th sentence, “case reports” must be replaced with “is a case report of”, and “as” before “stage” must be replaced with “with”.
In the Introduction –
· In the last sentence, “causes patients fatal outcome” must be replaced with “leads to fatal outcome in patients”, “pay” must be replaced with “paid”, and “the” must be inserted before “clinic”.
In the Observation –
In the 1st paragraph –
· In the 4th sentence, “that” must be removed.
· In the last sentence, “time” must be replaced with “session”, and “on” must be inserted before “August”.
In the 2nd paragraph –
· In the 1st sentence, “,” must be inserted before “especially”, “especially” is misspelled, and “and” must be inserted before “shortness”.
· In the last sentence, “examination” must be replaced with “examinations”.
In the 3rd paragraph –
· In the 1st sentence, “regained” must be replaced with “experienced a recurrence of”, and “exercise” must be replaced with “exercising”.
· In the 3rd sentence, “, 8 times of chemotherapy” must be replaced with “for 8 sessions”.
· In the last sentence, “be” must be inserted before “343 U/ml”, and “and” must be inserted before “imaging”.
In the 4th paragraph –
· In the 1st sentence, “had” must be inserted before “normal”.
· The 2nd sentence must be written as “CT examination showed left parietal lobe nodule, indicating brain metastasis”.
· In the 3rd sentence, “may be” must be replaced with “might have been”.
In the Discussion –
In the 1st paragraph –
· In the 1st sentence, “.” Must be inserted after “[1-4]”.
· In the 1st and 4th sentences, the letters “Mel” does not make sense. It must be replaced with “-”.
· In the 3rd sentence, “Sehouli et al.” must be removed.
· In the 7th sentence, “to detect” must be replaced with “detecting”.
· In the 8th sentence, it is not clear what “BM” stands for, so the full form must be provided in the Abbreviations section.
In the 2nd paragraph –
· In the 5th sentence, “intracranial solitary” must be replaced with “solitary intracranial”.
· In the 6th sentence, “WBR” must be replaced with “WBRT” at the end of the sentence.
· In the 8th sentence, “accurate” must be replaced with “appropriate”.
In the Conclusion –
· In the 1st sentence, “ovarian malignant” must be replaced with “malignant ovarian”.
In the Patient’s Perspective –
· In the 2nd sentence, “a” before “isolated” must be replaced with “an”.
· The full forms of “OS” and “KPS” used in the 1st and 2nd sentences must be provided.
Fang Yang
Xiaoqiu Chen
Yu Zhu
Shubin Wang
Author Info
Corresponding Author
Shubin Wang
Department of Oncology, Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen, China
Article Info
Article Type
Case Report
Publication history
Received: Thu 12, Mar 2020
Accepted: Tue 31, Mar 2020
Published: Wed 22, Apr 2020
© 2023 Shubin Wang. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.CROGR.2020.01.02