Non-Attendance to Post-Radiotherapy Follow-Up in Breast Cancer: Efficacy of Mail and Telephone Reminders

Non-Attendance to Post-Radiotherapy Follow-Up in Breast Cancer: Efficacy of Mail and Telephone Reminders

Review Data

§  Significance of the Study: This study analysed post-radiotherapy follow-up appointments in an outpatient clinic in Germany. The findings highlight the effectiveness of telephone reminder system rather than mail reminder system in improving post-radiotherapy follow-up attendance rates of breast cancer patients. Also, this survey quantifies the problem of non-attendance at post-radiotherapy follow-up appointments.


§  Fit with the Scope of the Journal: The manuscript perfectly fits with the scope of the journal Clinical Oncology and Research.


§  The Discussion section adequately explains the rationale behind the non-attendance of breast cancer patients at post-radiotherapy follow-up appointments and evaluates the effects of two interventions (mail reminder and telephone reminder). It also discusses the literature relevant to this survey.


§  A few minor errors (already corrected in the galley proof) are listed below:


o   In the 2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph of the Introduction, “are” should be replaced with “is” before “agreed” and “upon” should be inserted after “agreed”.

o   In the 5th sentence of the 2nd paragraph of the Introduction, the word “tumor” is misspelled.

o   Words like “above-mentioned”, “non-attendance”, “patient-reported” should be hyphenated.

o   Words like “healthcare”, “countermeasures” should be written as single word.

o   In the last sentence of the 1st paragraph of the Results, “of” should be inserted after “total”.

o   In the 1st sentence of the 6th paragraph of the Discussion, “found also” should be rephrased as “also found”.

o   Punctuations and articles were missing in several places throughout the text section of the article.

Author Info

Corresponding Author
Frank Bruns
Department of Radiation Oncology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany

Article Info

Article Type
Research Article
Publication history
Received: Wed 01, Jul 2020
Accepted: Wed 22, Jul 2020
Published: Mon 17, Aug 2020
© 2023 Frank Bruns. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.COR.2020.08.03