Oral Dysbiosis Exacerbates Candida parapsilosis Sensu Stricto Biofilm Production via Up-Regulation of the CPH2 Biofilm Master Gene


Introduction: Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto is the second to third most frequent cause of candidemia. Studies place this yeast as a frequent colonizer of niches of the oral cavity, predominantly in pathological conditions. We hypothesize that a buccal environment in dysbiosis enhances the virulence of C. parapsilosis sensu stricto.
Objective: To evaluate the phenotype and molecular level of the production of biofilm in oral isolates of Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto and correlate the results with the clinical origin (dysbiosis versus eubiosis).
Materials and Methods: The biofilm-forming ability was compared in 50 oral isolates of Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto obtained from patients with and without oral dysbiosis; by quantification of metabolic activity. The results were corroborated by confocal fluorescence microscopy, and correlated with the transcriptional activity of CPH2, by RT-qPCR. The data were analysed by Excel 2010, and InfoStat 2018, with a 95% confidence interval.
Results: The metabolic activity in biofilm was significantly higher in oral dysbiosis relative to control (p = 0.0025). Basal expression of CPH2 increased 2.8 times more in oral dysbiosis related to the control condition and showed no significant differences with pathogenic isolates of this same yeast, derived from onychomycosis lesions.
Conclusion: The oral cavity in dysbiosis increases the virulence of C. parapsilosis sensu stricto due to possible changes in epigenetic marks. This finding suggests that the oral cavity in dysbiosis may be an alternative route to the skin in the epidemiology of nosocomial candidemia.


Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto, virulence, oral dysbiosis, oral eubiosis, CPH2 gene master

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Article Type
Research Article
Publication history
Received: Sat 13, Mar 2021
Accepted: Thu 25, Mar 2021
Published: Thu 22, Apr 2021
© 2023 Rodríguez ML. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.DOBCR.2021.01.07

Author Info

Corresponding Author
Rodríguez ML
Semiology and Diagnostic Clinic, School of Dentistry, University of Cuenca-Ecuador, Cuenca, Ecuador

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