Study in a Simulated Scenario of the Influence of Training and Personality in the Resolution of Critical Situations in Anaesthesiology Residents
Study in a Simulated Scenario of the Influence of Training and Personality in the Resolution of Critical Situations in Anaesthesiology Residents
Author Info
Sistac Ballarín JM Lliteras M Sistac Palacin JM
Corresponding Author
Sistac Ballarín JMArnau de Vilanova University Hospital, Lleida, Spain
Introduction: Empowerment of simulations in emergent situations by resident medical interns has positively demonstrated the acquisition of clinical skills [1]. Even so, it remains unclear what psychological factors influence when assuming leadership in carrying out these simulations or in a real situation. This study aims to analyse, by simulating critical situations in the operating room, the influence of training and personality among anaesthesiology residents on the predisposition to assume such leadership. Materials and Methods: A study was carried out on 22 residents both trained (11) and untrained in simulation, assessing their personality and degree of stress using the Typi and Stay Trait. By observation it was determined that he was the leader, when entering a simulated model of ventricular fibrillation in pairs. Resolution capacity was not valued, but rather the characteristics that define the personality of the resident who assumed leadership. Results: Regarding personality, measured with the TIPI test, the leaders turned out to score high in agreeableness but low in extraversion compared to the helpers. This suggests that they are altruistic, compassionate, trusting, frank, empathic and sensitive to others and on the other hand reserved, socially distant except with close friends. In the trained group, the Stai Trait test revealed a slightly lower mean in helpers compared to the total mean, in addition to a significantly higher SD in leaders (4.57) than in helpers (2.87), obtaining a p> 0.02. In Stai Estado, the opposite occurred in terms of the averages, lower in the group of leaders with respect to the global average. And a very similar SD was obtained in both groups (4.91 and 4.21). In the TIPI test, the leading group stands out with a low score in extraversion, compared to the total mean and compared to assistants, justified data with a p>0.02. Conclusion: The residents of the trained group turned out to have lower anxiety in the stressful situation of the simulation compared to the other group. In addition, the women who turned out to be leaders in the trained group demonstrated control of the situation with lower HRs than the leaders in the untrained group, thus demonstrating the influence of training in resolving critical situations.
Article Info
Article Type
Research ArticlePublication history
Received: Fri 25, Nov 2022Accepted: Mon 26, Dec 2022
Published: Fri 13, Jan 2023
© 2023 Sistac Ballarín JM. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.DOI: 10.31487/j.ACR.2022.04.01