Music and Dopamine – Potential in Movement Disorders
Music and Dopamine – Potential in Movement Disorders
Review Data
Purpose and Significance of Study: This is a review of the existing literature on the link between music and movement disorders, especially the effect of music on the dopaminergic system in Parkinson’s disease.
Fit with Scope of Journal: The manuscript is of very high interest for the journal Journal of Brain and Nerves.
o The manuscript contains some minor errors (already corrected in the galley proof, except the highlighted one which requires the author’s attention) listed below –
In the Title –
· Both “Music in the past and future with dopamine” and “Getting along with movement disorders” do not convey any clear meaning; hence, the Title must be reframed, e.g., “Music and dopamine – potential in movement disorders”.
In the Abstract –
· In the 1st sentence, “derive” must be replaced with “have been deriving”, “for a” must be replaced with “since”, and “time” must be removed.
· In the 3rd sentence, “from” must be replaced with “in”.
· In the 7th sentence, “get” must be replaced with “this is the very part that is”.
· In the 8th sentence, “music function” must be replaced with “role of music”.
· In the last sentence, “its” before “related” must be removed.
In the History of music and human –
· In the heading, “human” must be replaced with “humanity”.
· The first two points in the Abstract also applies here.
· In the 4th sentence, “a” must be inserted before “part”.
In Music and clinical effects –
In the 1st paragraph –
· In the 1st sentence, “now” must be removed.
In the 2nd paragraph –
· In the 3rd sentence, “nonmusic” must be replaced with “non-music”.
In the Music and dopaminergic functions –
· In the 5th sentence, “,” after “ventral tegmental area” must be replaced with “in”.
· In the last sentence, “potent ability” must be replaced with “immense potential”, and “for” after “music” must be replaced with “in”.
In the Regulation of dopamine biosynthesis –
· In the 2nd sentence, “,” must be inserted after “subsequently”.
· In the 4th sentence, “the” must be inserted before “TH protein”.
In the Molecular mechanism of dopaminergic pathogenesis –
· In the 2nd sentence, “On the” at the start must be removed, “of” after “decrease” must be replaced with “in”, and “was” must be inserted before “elevated”.
· In the 3rd sentence, “the” must be inserted before “facilitation”, and “in” after “result” must be replaced with “of”.
· In the 6th sentence, “the” must be inserted before “dysfunction”.
· In the 8th sentence, “the” before “proteasomal inhibition” must be removed.
In the Advances in therapies for Parkinson’s disease –
· In the last sentence, “the” must be inserted before “expectations”.
In the Future of music and dopaminergic disorders –
· In the 3rd sentence, “By” at the start must be removed, “listing” must be replaced with “listening”, and “as well as” after “motor function” must be replaced with “but also”.
In the Acknowledgements –
· In the 2nd sentence, “to her tremendous warmful” must be replaced with “for her tremendously warm”.
Ichiro Kawahata
Kazuko Hasegawa
Ruriko Kase
Author Info
Corresponding Author
Ichiro Kawahata
Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Article Info
Article Type
Review Article
Publication history
Received: Fri 20, Mar 2020
Accepted: Thu 02, Apr 2020
Published: Tue 07, Apr 2020
© 2023 Ichiro Kawahata. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.JBN.2020.01.02